We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday season and are ready to kick off this new year; I know we are! With that, we are committed to staying connected with you and keeping you updated with what is happening in the election community. It may be a slower election year, with only two elections scheduled, but there are numerous projects and changes coming to Hood County Elections. This will be our method of keeping you informed about what we’re working on and are always open for feedback. We hope you enjoy!
Warmest regards,
Stephanie Cooper
Hood County Election Administrator
Legislative News
Texas 89th Regular Legislative Session
This legislative cycle kicked off on January 14, 2025, with close to 3,000 bills filed! Of those, there are approximately 230 election related bills. The 60-day deadline for bill filing is March 14, 2025, so those numbers can/will change. This regular session is scheduled to end on June 2, 2025. Interested in viewing the election related bills filed so far? Click Here
As this cycle continues, we will be sure to include bills each month that could significantly change the current process we have. This month, we have focused on SB 76, relating to the elimination of the countywide polling location program. This would mean we would go back to precinct-based voting versus being able to vote anywhere in Hood County.
Running for Office
Are you interested in running for office in 2026? We are in the process of updating our website with candidate information, and it will be available here: Running for Office
Filing for a place on the ballot begins November 8, 2025.
Please keep an eye on that page for updates in the next coming month!
Upcoming Elections
Two elections are scheduled for 2025.
Saturday, May 3, 2025 (PENDING) – Acton Municipal Utility District, City of Cresson, City of Lipan, Godley Independent School District, and Lipan Independent School District. The deadline to file for a place on the ballot is February 14, 2025. These elections may be canceled if no candidates are contested on the ballot. We will provide further information regarding these elections in the February Poll Worker Press Issue #2!
Tuesday, November 4, 2025 – City of DeCordova, City of Granbury, City of Tolar, Granbury Independent School District, Tolar Independent School District, and Constitutional Amendments. This will be a countywide election with the use of all our polling locations due to the potential amendments. Be on the lookout for more updates on this election as the legislative cycle progresses.
Fun Finds
This section will showcase a new feature or product we will provide in future elections, but it’s up to you to guess what it is! The picture on the left has a new product we’ve purchased. The answer will be revealed in the February Edition of the Poll Worker Press. Stay tuned!
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Hood County Elections Department, 1410 W. Pearl Street, Granbury, TX 76048